How does organic food affect human health?

Organic crops have higher antioxidant activity and 18 to 69% higher concentrations of a variety of individual antioxidants; increased intake of polyphenolics and antioxidants has been linked to a reduction in the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases and certain types of cancer (. Over the past decade, the production and consumption of organic foods have steadily increased around the world, despite the lower productivity of organic crops. In fact, the population attributes healthier properties to organic foods. Although scientific evidence is still scarce, organic agriculture seems to contribute to maintaining optimal health and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases.

This may be due to the higher content of bioactive compounds and the lower content of substances harmful to health, such as cadmium and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, in organic plant-based foods compared to conventional agricultural products. Therefore, large long-term intervention studies are needed to determine if an organic diet is healthier than a diet that includes conventionally grown food products. This review provides an update of current knowledge about the impact of an organic diet compared to a conventional diet on health. We know that organic diets lead to less exposure to pesticides and antibiotics, but nutritionally they are about the same.

In addition, there is no evidence of clinically relevant differences between organic and conventional milk. There is no concrete study that shows that organic foods lead to healthier children. However, eating organic products is an advantage, since we know that pesticides can cause neurodevelopmental problems and are strongly associated with cancer. A study finds that organic foods are more nutritious Organic foods reduce exposure to pesticides Nutritional benefits of organic dairy products Nutritional benefits of organic fruit% 26 vegetables.

Organic livestock producers do not use antibiotics as growth promoters (many conventional operations do) and it has been shown that organic livestock farms are much less likely to generate strains of human disease germs resistant to antibiotics than conventional operations. This document is a review of previously published scientific studies that have evaluated aspects of the impact of organic foods on human health. The Department of Agriculture defines organics as crops grown on farms that haven't used most synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers for three years before the food is harvested. Therefore, offering organic foods and fiber products on the market gives parents the option of choosing products produced without the use of these toxins.

And when it comes to livestock, animals must be fed with organic feed, live on organic land and raised without routine antibiotics or hormones. However, is it really true that organic is healthier? The idea of organic food is a great concept, but it can also put a hole in your wallet. Organic agriculture is based on biodegradable pesticides that break down quickly and that are not toxic or are only minimally toxic to humans, rather than the more persistent artificial pesticides, such as organophosphates (which, despite the name, are NOT part of organic management systems) used by conventional farmers. Organic cereal producers tend to use animal manure instead of mineral phosphorous fertilizers and, to maintain higher levels of organic matter in the soil, differences that can cause lower levels of cadmium in harvested grain (current cadmium consumption tends to be high and the excess has a negative effect on health).

Check out the Environmental Working Group's Clean Fifteen list of foods that can be bought normal and the Dirty Dozen list of foods you should spend more on to buy organic products. Not only does organic production help reduce public health risks, but there is increasing evidence that organically grown foods are rich in nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and are less exposed to nitrates and pesticide residues in organically grown fruits, vegetables and cereals compared to conventionally grown products. Meanwhile, a research article published in the journal Food Chemistry found that organic soy has a healthier nutritional profile than conventionally grown or genetically modified Roundup Ready soy. People who consume more organic foods tend to follow a healthier overall diet, with a higher consumption of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and a lower consumption of meat, a dietary pattern that is associated with both a lower carbon footprint and a lower risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
